Informations to particular applications of Starbuntu

The program all-open

The program appearance

The program automount

The program bookmarks

The program browser

The program calendar

The program center-windows

The program copy-to-clipsec

The program create-memo

The program create-new-mime

The program create-rm-category

The program display-url

The program edit-app-launcher

The program expose-file

The program expose-url

The program gsu

The program gtk-theme

The program hist

The program insert-sel

The program install-user

The program language

The program list-cmd-edit

The programs mark-dir and marked-dir

The program mk-rec-rm-identifier

The program multimenu

The program Onboard

The program open-remote

The program open-with

The program orient-act-win

The program pkg-manager

The program place-window

The program prim-sec-clip

The programs recent and recent-gtk

The program refresh-pinboard

The program restore-grub

The programs Rox and Rox2

The programs s and sdo

The program save-url

The program search

The program search-app

The program search-list-item

The program set-resol

The program set-wallpaper

The program systray-item-edit

The program terminate

The program translate

The program trash

The program upgrade

The program variety-rox

The programs watch-ports, get-devs and automount

The program wunwa

The program x-email-client

The program xbindings

The program all-open

The Starbuntu program all-open replaces the X Desktop Group program xdg-open, which opens every address (file, folder, web address) with the default application for its address type in case this connection is defined. Such connections between address types and applications can be edited with the Mime Type Editor (File Management).

The program all-open removes the deficit of xdg-open to accept always only one address as parameter. Moreover, it can open even addresses with different address types at one go with their corresponding applications, if necessary with root privileges, and also accepts prepended environment variables. Its hotkey is Super+Return.

If the program gets launched without parameters it presents a form for the desired address(es).

In case the program shall be executed with root privileges you shortly press the Super key when a small white window appears at the beginning. Then the authentication window pops up for receiving the password.

The program cooperates closely with the Starbuntu program exec-desktop. In the file manager ROX-Filer every click on a file launches the program all-open. Therefore it is essential in Starbuntu.

The program appearance

The Starbuntu program appearance which works with the program lxappearance offers to set the designs of GTK2, GTK3 and GTK4 programs separately or uniform and thus closes a gap of lxappearance, which allows only a uniform design for GTK2 and GTK3.

Call: appearance [ gtk2 | gtk3 | gtk4 | gtk2/3/4 ]

The program automount

The Starbuntu program automount mounts block devices, that means other partitions, external hard disks, memory sticks or SD cards as well as image files *.iso oder *.img under their label in the folder /media/<user>.


After calling the program the file manager pops up with two windows: the left one shows the file structure of the mounted device and the right one the home directory.

After closing these two windows the mounted device gets unmounted again.

The program bookmarks

The graphical unser interface GTK-3 and the file manager ROX-Filer administrate their own bookmarks independent from each other. You call the GTK-3 bookmarks up by typing Ctrl+Alt+b and those in the (open and active) ROX-Filer by typing Ctrl+b.

The Starbuntu program bookmarks synchronizes these bookmarks by executing the changes in one system immediately also in the other one. This procedure happens automatically.

With the parameter "--rox" the program adjusts the bookmarks of ROX-Filer to those of GTK-3 and with "--gtk" inversely those of GTK-3 to those of ROX-Filer. The bookmarks of the ROX-Filer are saved in the file $HOME/.config/ and those of GTK-3 in $HOME/.config/gtk-3.0/bookmarks. They get displayed in a list after a click on the panel icon   .

In case you want to edit the mentioned bookmarks files directly please keep in mind that the labels of the bookmarks must not contain white spaces. In such a case they have to be replaced by non-breakable ones. White spaces within paths have to be replaced by "%20' in case of the GTK-3-bookmarks but not in case of those of the ROX-Filer.

The program browser

Choice of the web browser with the keyboard

When you launch the Starbuntu program browser normally the default web browser gets opened, unless you press immediately the Super key after launching it. In this case the second web browser.will be launched.

The home page for both browsers can be set in the file $HOME/.config/openbox/env-params modifying the variable DEFAULT_WEB_PAGE.

Choice of the web browser in the command line

With the input browser 1 you launch the default web browser, with the input browser 2 the second web browser. You can simply add an optional web address or an url file *.url like p. e. browser 1 "". If you omit the number follow the explanations in the previous paragraph.

The program calendar

When you launch the Starbuntu program calendar LibreOffice opens the calendar file $HOME/Documents/Kalender/Appointment Calendar-yyyy.ods and places the cursor on the present date. If the calendar file doesn't yet exist it will initially be created from the template $HOME/Documents/Kalender/Appointment Calendar-Template.ods and then be opened.

At the beginning of a new and at the resumption of an interrupted session the calendar gets opened automatically, so that you get reminded of your dates and memos.

To update the annual calendar, open the LibreOffice spreadsheet $HOME/Documents/Kalender/Annual Calendar.ods, double-click cell A1, adjust the year and save the spreadsheet with Ctrl+s. Then select the menu item File / Export as PDF..., confirm "Export" twice and have the existing PDF file with the same name overwritten.

The program center-windows

The window manager OpenBox doesn't unfortunately offer the feature "center all windows".

The Starbuntu program center-windows provides a remedy here by caring for an additional entry in the OpenBox configuration file $HOME/.config/openbox/rc.xml and thus enables window centering with the exception of the Tint2 panel.

You can control the effectivity of this program with the Num_Lock key: if you switch Num_Lock on the new windows are not centered anymore.

The program copy-to-clipsec

The Starbuntu program copy-to-clipsec copies marked text either to the clipboard (hotkey: Ctrl+Super+c) or with the parameter '-s' to the secondary selection (hotkey: Ctrl+Shift+c). Afterwards the primary selection gets restored to its previous value.

If you add the parameter '-x' then the marked text will be cut. In this case you call the program with the hotkey Ctrl+Super+x for the clipboard or with Ctrl+Shift+x for the secondary selection.

The contents of the secondary selection or of the clipboard get saved in their history files secondary resp. tertiary in the folder $HOME/.local/share/clipboard for later use. As to saving the primary selektion see the Starbuntu program insert-sel.

The program create-memo

With the Starbuntu program create-memo, after having found an interesting text passage, you can save it directly as a memo.

For this purpose please mark the respective text and then press the hotkey Ctrl+Super+n. An entry box for the memo title pops up. After 'OK' you can decide under which list identifier the memo shall be integrated in the memo list which you can call up by leftclicking on the Tint2 icon   or by pressing the hotkey Ctrl+Alt+n.

The program create-new-mime

Almost all files are assigned to a specific mime type, which describes whether the file is executable, whether it is a document, an image, a music or video file, etc. However, within such categories it also provides information about the specific file format. So each mime type has the form category/format, e.g. for shell scripts application/x-shellscript ('x' stands for executable), for PDF files application/pdf, for HTML files text/html, for PNG files image/png, for MP3 files audio/mpeg and for MP4 files video/mp4.

In most cases, file extensions can be clearly assigned to mime types, e.g. application/pdf: *.pdf, image/png: *.png etc. However, sometimes several file extensions are assigned to a common mime type, such as e.g. text/html: *.htm, *.html or image/jpeg: *.jpeg, *.jpg. A specific icon image can be specified for a mime type, so that all files of this mime type, even if they have different extensions, show the same icon image e.g. in the file manager. You also define a short comment for a mime type, e.g. for text/plain the comment "plain text document", as well as a default application for all files of this type.

An overview of the most important mime types can be found in the files extensions_-_mime-types.pdf (organized by file extension) and mime-types_-_extensions.pdf (organized by mime type).

In Starbuntu, the common mime types are of course predefined, located in the folder /usr/share/mime. Nevertheless, defining a new mime type can be useful. The following mime types have been added in Starbuntu:

Beyond that the Starbuntu program create-new-mime allows you to easily add additional mime types, which would otherwise be quite time-consuming and complex. Please note that only the categories 'application', 'audio', 'font', 'image', 'model', 'text', 'video' and some others are permitted for the front part of the mime type, while its back part, i.e. the respective format, should correspond to the file extension associated with the mime type. Since the program create-new-mime intervenes in the system, it requires root privileges.

The program create-rm-category

With the Starbuntu program create-rm-category which requires root privileges you can create or delete a category of the applications menu. Thus you can restructure the applications menu in a finer or cruder way.

Initially you see the tree of all categories and you select the category which shall get the desired sub-category resp. which you want to delete. Of course you cannot delete a category if it still has a sub-category. In case you want to create a main category you select Main Category. Then you click either on 'OK' (case of creation) or on 'Del' (case of deletion). It's clear that you cannot delete the 'Main Category' level itself.

If you want to create a category you set the category parameters in the next window. The first field concerning the category identifier of course must be filled in. Here avoid special characters or white spaces and begin with an uppercase letter.

In the next window either you decide which desktop configuration files shall get the new category. Please notice that the displayed list allows a multiple selection. In the other case, seeing the tree of the categories after clicking on the arrow on the right side of the entry box, you select for the deleted category an alternate one which shall replace the deleted one in all concerning desktop configuration files listed above.

Finally the applications menu gets updated for all users.

The program display-url

With the Starbuntu program display-url you can open manifold external or local address types by means of the respectively appropriate application: HTTP pages (http(s)://...), FTP folders (ftp://...), SFTP folders (sftp://...), SSH folders (ssh://...), WebDAV folders (davs://...), local files (file://...), a window for composing an e-mail (mailto:...) etc.

This program can be called up in four possible ways:

  1. display-url [1|2] "<address>"

  2. display-url [1|2] <address file *.url>

  3. display-url [1|2] without an address parameter if this one, that means the address or the address file, has been sent to the (primary) selection. Otherwise a file selection dialogue gets started.

  4. display-url -s (switch) without an address parameter displays a web site opened in one of the two browsers also in the other one (hotkey: Ctrl+Shift+u within the first mentioned browser). This feature works only with the two preinstalled browsers and requires that the window names of the browsers are defined in the parameter file $HOME/.config/openbox/env-params by means of the environment variables stdbrw_win and brw2_win. Caution: The window designation of a program often does not correspond to the program command. You can determine it after starting the corresponding program using the terminal command wmctrl -l. Another interesting thing is that the -s option, after marking a web address contained in a text, opens it in one of the two web browsers.

The preceding parameter "1" (default browser) or "2" (second browser) or "-s" (switch) is reasonable only if a second web browser is installed and a web address is being called or copied to the clipboard. Otherwise it will be ignored.

The program edit-app-launcher

In case you want to move an entry of the applications menu to a different category, to change its menu text or the assigned icon, to add parameters to the associated program etc., you can do this in two ways:

In both cases you proceed as follows:

If the desktop configuration file is not yet specified, you first enter a keyword (also RegEx). The desktop files that contain this keyword are then listed. After choosing one of these files you can edit its essential entries like name, comment, command, icon and categories. You can insert the icon either by typing its path or by clicking on the right symbol which opens a file select box. If you don't like any of the offered icons you can search for one on the Internet, save a found icon in the folder ~/.icons and then drag it into the file selection box. Caution: A new 'Categories' entry doesn't replace the defined categories but adds the new one. All the preset categories can be cleared by choosing 'Clear'. Choosing a category is only necessary if your opened desktop configuration file is located in an applications folder.

If you delete an entry the corresponding line will be removed from the desktop configuration file. If you want to delete an entry not listed, p. e. 'Terminal=true', insert at 'Other' 'Terminal='. With 'OK' you confirm the entries and the file is then automatically saved and marked as executable. If the file in the /usr/share/applications folder is changed, its copy in ~/.local/share/applications will be reset, i.e. renamed to a backup.

If you confirm the keyword request left empty a file select box pops up with which you can open either an existing or a new desktop configuration file *.desktop and then edit it.

In a command line this program can be called up with a keyword as parameter. Then a selection list will be displayed with all found desktop configuration files containing this keyword. The given parameter can also be the path of a desktop configuration file. In this case the editing window pops up immediately.

If you want to create a desktop icon by means of the freshly edited desktop configuration file navigate to this file and drag it on an visible area of the desktop. Position the new desktop icon at a place you like and change optionally after a right click on the icon the text below.

The program expose-file

The Starbuntu program expose-file allows to expose any file under the icon   with the title "File Exposition" on the tint2 taskbar so that it can be quickly accessed. The program is also offered in the context menu of any file under "Send To.../Expose File".

After calling up the program with the favoured file as parameter initially a file select box pops up in order to select an appropriate icon. In case of canceling the box the program chooses the mime type icon of the file. In case this one doesn't exist the icon of the "File Exposition" will be chosen.

In the next step you define either manually or by means of the file type specific application shortlist with which special application the file shall be opened. In case of canceling this query the program chooses the default application for this file type.

Finally you can decide under which list identifier the file shall be integrated in the file exposition list.

The entry created in that way in the "File Exposition" can later be modified or deleted after clicking on "Edit".

The program expose-url

The Starbuntu program expose-url allows to expose any address from a file *.url under the icon   with the title "URL Exposition" on the tint2 taskbar so that it can be quickly accessed. The program is also offered in the context menu of any file *.url under "Expose Url".

After calling up the program with the favoured file *.url as parameter initially the favicon of the corresponding address will be converted to a PNG file which serves as the icon of the desired entry. If the favicon doesn't exist a file select box pops up in order to select an appropriate icon. In case of canceling the box the program chooses the icon of the "URL Exposition".

In the next step you define either manually or by means of the address specific application shortlist with which special application the address shall be opened. In case of canceling this query the program chooses the default application for this address type.

Finally you can decide under which list identifier the address shall be integrated in the Url Exposition list.

The entry created in that way in the "URL Exposition" later can be modified or deleted after clicking on "Edit".

The program gsu

The Starbuntu program gsu (or gsudo, gksu, gksudo) is the graphical frontend of the terminal commands su or sudo and replaces with additional features the package gksu which has been removed by Ubuntu from the repositories.

You call this program by typing gsu [--no-error-msg] [<command>]. A window appears with three tabs: "Password" (active tab), "User" (lists every user known in the system with the current user as the active one) and "Command". To achieve the root state users belonging to the group sudo have to simply insert their password and confirm the input by leftclicking 'OK' or typing Ctrl+Return. Every user can temporarily also turn into another one by inserting the own password or the password of the other user and choosing him in the "User" tab. In the first case he keeps his own user environment, in the second case he adopts the other user's environment. So users who aren't members of the group sudo can nevertheless execute system commands if they insert the root password and choose 'root' as user.

The 'Command' tab allows to modify the inserted command. In case the command has been left empty, it's set to 'xterm'. If the command cannot be executed, it gets executed with all-open.

If the parameter --no-error-msg is not set, in case of a wrong password or a wrong command a warning appears which offers to insert the password once more and possibly to correct the command.

The program gtk-theme

The Starbuntu program gtk-theme launches a GTK application uniquely with a different GTK theme instead of the default one. It works with GTK-2 programs as well as with GTK-3 or GTK-4 ones.

Call: gtk-theme <GTK theme> <application>

GTK-3 or GTK-4 programs with an exceptionally different GTK theme can also be called up according to GTK_THEME=<Name of the GTK theme> <Application>. GTK-2 programs, however, called up in this way, simply ignore the prepended GTK theme. For these ones there is only a laborious alternative to the Starbuntu program gtk-theme.

The program hist

The Starbuntu program hist historicises text entries.

You call this program as follows:

hist <path of the history file> <maximal number of entries> [<title> [<picture> [<invoking program>]]]

A text input box pops up with the chosen title and picture and, moreover, a select list of the history if the given history file already contains entries. Either you select an already existing entry or you type a new one. Then the program hist will place the selected or newly inserted entry at the beginning of the history file.

If you mark a text passage immediately before launching this program the marked text appears in the entry field and thus saves a manual typing.


From your picture stock you want to create a little collection of picture paths in $HOME/Images by using hist. You select certain pictures and copy their paths into the text input box. After 'OK' the inserted picture pic shall be displayed with the image viewer eog (Eye Of Gnome). An empty input terminates the program. Here the little shell script hist-example doing this:


pic=" "

until [ -z "$pic" ]; do

   pic=$(hist $HOME/Images 100 "Pictures:" info)

   if [ -f "$pic" ]; then eog "$pic"; fi


exit 0

The program insert-sel

The Starbuntu program insert-sel inserts at the cursor position either the primary selection (hotkey: Shift+Insert resp. historicized: Super+Insert) or with the parameter '-s' the secondary selection (hotkey: Ctrl+Super+Insert). The other part of the clipboard stays the same as before.

The clipboard can be inserted as usual with the hotkey Ctrl+v resp. historicized: Super+v.

The primary selection gets saved in its history file primary in the folder $HOME/.local/share/clipboard for later use.

The program install-user

When called with the parameter -u, the Starbuntu program install-user expands the program system-config-users by providing an own desktop environment to a user freshly generated by means of this program.

After inserting the password, initially the program system-config-users pops up with which you can edit, delete or generate a user or a group. In case of generating a new user, besides of creating a home directory for this one, it's also recommended to generate for him a private group and to manually determine for both, for the new user as well as for his private group, an ID which joins the IDs of the already existing real users upward. After 'OK' you close this program.

After inserting the password for a second time, now the entire desktop environment of the primary user with the ID 1000 gets copied into the HOME directory of the new user and adjusted to this one. Copied file paths and links which still refer to the primary user also get adjusted to the new user.

Using the -i parameter, the install-user program installs Starbuntu on a new data carrier after entering the necessary data and equips its main user with the described desktop environment. What was said in the last patagraph also applies here.

Doing this, the program install-user possibly also copies private contents of the primary user. Therefore the administrator (root), after closing the program install-user, should remove all critical private contents of the primary user from the HOME directory of the freshly generated one.

The program language

With the Starbuntu program language the desired language can be set user-specifically for each user including root. To do this, the environment variables FIRST_RUN must be set to true and BOOT to false. At the beginning of the program you can choose from a selection list between the four languages German, English, Italian and Spanish. However, the language change is only completed after you log in again. To change the language for the root or for other users, you need to have the rights for the respective user.

Call: FIRST_RUN=true BOOT=false language [<Username>]

If the environment variable FIRST_RUN is set to true in the file $HOME/.config/openbox/env-params, the language selection will take place the next time you log in.

The program list-cmd-edit

The Starbuntu program list-cmd-edit administrates the lists "App Menu", "Recently Used Menu", "Bookmarks Menu", "Memo Menu", "File Exposition Menu", "Url Exposition Menu", "Volume Menu" and "Session Control Menu" which are integrated in the panel Tint2 and allows their processing with the exception of the "Recently Used" Menu, the App Menu and the Session Control Menu. However, the two latter menus allow parameter entry. Alike the program list-cmd-edit processes the list of the marked folders in the file manager Rox as well as a self-created one. Therefore the handling of these lists is everywhere the same.

You select a list item either with the Up-Down keys, with a mouse click or by typing a (possibly regex) partial string of it. In the latter case the typed letters remain active for some seconds during which you can jump with the Up-Down keys only between the thus selected items. With the Return key or with a double mouse click you activate the selected list item.

If you want to add a list entry please act as follows:

  1. Select the line, which shall be preceded by the new entry. If there is no line yet, you will find a sample entry that you can edit.

  2. Click on "Edit" and then on "New".

  3. Edit the fields 'Label' and 'Detail'. If so, select also an icon (optional). If you only edit 'Label', you set a permanent header of the list that you can extinguish again by leaving all fields empty.

  4. Click on "OK".

If you want to change a list entry please act as described above but omit the click on "New". You can change an existing header by calling the program with the parameter --head=<header>.

Please be careful in case of inserting certain special characters because some of them can lead to undesired results. By clicking on 'Hints' you'll get an appropriate workaround.

If you want to edit a pure text list entry you can do it by doubleclicking on it. So you get the text view mode of the entry. Doing this long texts can be edited more comfortably and the special character problem doesn't count.

If you want to delete a list entry please act as follows:

  1. Choose the line you want to delete.

  2. Click on "Edit".

  3. Click on "Del".

The raw data of the pre-assembled mentioned lists are located as text files *.lst in the folder ~/.config/gtk-3.0 with the exception of the App Menu whose data are stored in ~/.config/menus and the list of the marked folders in the file manager Rox whose text file marked-directories.lst is located in the folder ~/.config/

If you want to use the program list-cmd-edit for own lists please respect the following tips:

However, creating own lists by means of the Starbuntu program multimenu is much easier and, moreover, allows also a nested structure of the list.

The programs mark-dir and marked-dir

The Starbuntu program mark-dir adds to the file manager Rox beyond the bookmarks a second way to mark folders. For this purpose the regarding folder can be marked either by typing a hotkey (default hotkey: Super+o) or by clicking on its symbol with the right mouse button and choosing the menu item "Mark Folder". This feature is reasonable because the mark will be kept until it's deleted manually. The file manager, however, forgets the history of visited folders as soon as it's closed.

The Starbuntu program marked-dir displays the list of the marked folders. It can be opened either by typing a hotkey (default hotkey: Control+Super+o) or by clicking with the right mouse button on any folder symbol and choosing the menu item "Marked Folders".

A double click on a folder of this list opens it in a new Rox window.

The list of the marked folders is administrated by the Starbuntu program list-cmd-edit and can be edited like all other lists of list-cmd-edit. Its raw data are located in ~/.config/

The list of the marked folders includes always the folders of the selected groups which are defined in ~/.config/ (for more detailed information see Manual.html#selection). These folders are preceded by the respective group numbers. In the file manager they serve as hotkeys with which the regarding folders can be opened immediately, and they can be set, changed or removed with marked-dir. If you use marked-dir you lose possible file selections within the selected groups.

The program mk-rec-rm-identifier

With the Starbuntu program mk-rec-rm-identifier you can create, delete or record an identifier in a list. Thus you can properly restructure it.

Call: mk-rec-rm-identifier [notes | files | links | list <list path> | <list path>]

In case you omit the parameter the program asks for it at the beginning.

Initially the identifiers' tree of the list gets displayed. From this one you select that identifier which shall get a sub-identifier resp. which you want to delete or record into list elements. In case you want to create a main identifier you select Main Identifier. After selecting an identifier you click either on 'Create' or on 'Record' or on 'Del' (case of deletion). It's clear that you cannot delete the 'Main Identifier' level itself.

If you want to create an identifier you set in the next window the identifier parameters of which you naturally have to fill in the first field concerning the identifier's label. The identifier itself can be left empty and in this case gets set by the program. The input of the possibly showing icon field is optional, too.

In case of creating or recording an identifier you decide in the following window which list elements you want to see under this identifier's label, and you can even select multiple elements.

In case of deleting an identifier all list elements carrying this identifier get moved one identifier level up.

Even from an opened list you can invoke mk-rec-rm-identifier by clicking on the button '± ▶'.

The program multimenu

The Starbuntu program multimenu which works with the program list-cmd-edit offers a standalone menu for applications and thus closes a gap of the used panel tint2. Moreover, it displays the restructurable lists of the memos, of the File Exposition, of the Url Exposition as well as self-created lists in a menu. Disregarding the own lists you open it by clicking on the respective panel symbol or by pressing the respective hotkey (Menu resp. Ctrl+Alt+n resp. Super+Menu resp. Alt+Menu). The program reads the data stored in $HOME/.config/menus or in $HOME/.config/gtk-3.0/notes.lst / files.lst / links.lst.


multimenu apps for the applications menu

multimenu notes [<header>] for the memo menu

multimenu files [<header>] for the menu of the File Exposition

multimenu links [<header>] for the menu of the Url Exposition

multimenu for a list to be created

multimenu <list file> [<header>] for an own list

As a discrete file type for lists, namely with the file extension *.lst, has been created in Starbuntu, also a simple click on such a file will open its respective menu.

Disregarding the applications menu all these menus are editable. In order to avoid their unnecessary complexity you can, in analogy to the categories of the applications menu, define also here identifiers and then respectively assign menu items to them. Doing this you create a nested structure.

The easiest way to define, delete or set an identifier is a click on the button   which launches the Starbuntu program mk-rec-rm-identifier. This program displays the current nested structure of the menu in a clearly arranged manner and also allows to edit it or to assign an identifier. By the way, however, also a manual editing of the menu structure isn't complicated. The way is the following:

Initially you define a category with title and identifier (and perhaps an icon). To do that please open the regarding menu, click on 'Edit', define the category title as label and the category identifier enclosed in curly braces as detail, maybe add a category icon and finally click on 'New'. Now you can assign a normal menu entry to this category by directly prepending to its label the category identifier enclosed in curly braces. In the same way you can redissolve it from a category by deleting the category identifier from its label what, in case of using the memo menu, is possible only with the Edit function. Within a category you can define subcategories as well as edit, create or delete menu entries as usual.

Remark to the applications menu: At the beginning of a computer session the menu gets updated by means of the Starbuntu program appmenu-refresh, and the updated data get saved in $HOME/.config/menus. You should call this program also after every installation or deinstallation so that the system changes can correctly appear in the applications menu. To call the program either you click on the panel icon   and then on the Starbuntu logo or you press the hotkey Super+Alt+Menu.

The program Onboard

The Starbuntu extension Onboard of the Python program onboard asks initially for the desired virtual screen keyboard which can be determined either by typing the code (e. g. 'gb' for the English or 'de' for the German keyboard) or by selecting one from the offered list. Then the respective keyboard appears at the bottom of the screen and until it gets closed, this keyboard setting is active, really as well as virtually. After closing the virtual screen keyboard the previous keyboard setting will be restored.

Call by command line: Onboard [<language abbreviation>]

The program open-remote

The Starbuntu program open-remote mounts and opens block devices, ISO image files, remote devices in the local network (FTP or SSHFS) and FTP, SFTP, SSH and WebDAV addresses on the Internet whose program entries can be easily created, modified or deleted vy means of the offered Edit function.

The raw data of these entries are located in the text file ~/.config/gtk-3.0/orrc. The format is for

The assignment of name is not binding.

Please notice carefully the used delimiter '‖' (='DOUBLE VERTICAL LINE', not to be confused with two 'pipes', i.e. '||').

After the first call of a password protected address the regarding password contained in the raw data file gets encoded.

Before a remote device in the local network invoked by its local IP address gets opened, a dialogue with this IP address pops up so that you can still manually correct it.

In case of success the remote source gets mounted automatically and the file manager Rox gets opened twice, for the remote source and for the home folder, in one window. As soon as this window gets closed again, the remote source gets unmounted automatically.

The program open-with

With the Starbuntu program open-with you can open marked or explicitly specified files by means of an appropriate given application with possibly prepended environment variables. If you don't specify the application the program chooses the default one for the regarding file type. Thus it provides a supplement for the file manager Rox, because Rox indeed offers the menu item "Send To..." but does not allow a user input.

You launch this program by rightclicking marked file(s) and choosing "Send To..." and then "Application". A text input window pops up with the placeholder " $@" for the regarding file(s) in front of which you optionally type the desired application and then click on "OK".

This program can be launched as run also outside the file manager and in this case serves as a regular app launcher allowing also in this case prepended environment variables. In case it gets launched with the parameter "-p" or with the hotkey Alt+F2 it inserts possibly marked file(s) in the primary selection which after 'OK' get opened with their default application.

While entering a command you can also use the "alias" definitions in $HOME/.bash_aliases or in $HOME/.bashrc as practical shortcuts for the commands. Starbuntu has predefined e.g. "a" for all-open and "x" for exec-desktop.

Your input will be saved in a history file which you open by clicking on the arrow on the right of the input field.

The program orient-act-win

The Starbuntu program orient-act-win <Parameter> allows to move the active window to the center, to a corner or to the middle of an edge of the screen. Furthermore it enables to tile windows. Thus it closes a gap of the window manager OpenBox.

It can be used as follows:

Screen Center

Parameter 5 or none

Ctrl + Alt + KP_Begin

Screen Top Left

Parameter 7

Ctrl + Alt + KP_Home

Screen Top Middle

Parameter 8

Ctrl + Alt + KP_Up

Screen Top Right

Parameter 9

Ctrl + Alt + KP_Prior

Screen Middle Left

Parameter 4

Ctrl + Alt + KP_Left

Screen Middle Right

Parameter 6

Ctrl + Alt + KP_Right

Screen Bottom Left

Parameter 1

Ctrl + Alt + KP_End

Screen Bottom Middle

Parameter 2

Ctrl + Alt + KP_Down

Screen Bottom Right

Parameter 3

Ctrl + Alt + KP_Next

Screen Left Half

Parameter s4

Ctrl + Super + KP_Left

Screen Right Half

Parameter s6

Ctrl + Super + KP_Right

Screen Upper Half

Parameter s8

Ctrl + Super + KP_Up

Screen Lower Half

Parameter s2

Ctrl + Super + KP_Down

Screen Upper Left Quarter

Parameter s7

Ctrl + Super + KP_Home

Screen Upper Right Quarter

Parameter s9

Ctrl + Super + KP_Prior

Screen Lower Left Quarter

Parameter s1

Ctrl + Super + KP_End

Screen Lower Right Quarter

Parameter s3

Ctrl + Super + KP_Next

The program pkg-manager

The Starbuntu program pkg-manager (Shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+p) installs or removes one or several packages. After inserting the required user password the lists of the non-installed and the installed packages get created and then a window pops up containing the tabs for the installation or the removal of packages.

Now you activate the desired tab and then you click on some package to have the cursor activated in this tab. Then you look for the desired package by typing its first letters (preceded by '^') or an appropriate regular expression. Further packages can be added by clicking on their names while the control key is pressed. In case this should be too laborious you add any other package and click a second time on its name, then you type in place of it the name of the desired further package and confirm the entry with the Return key. If required you repeat this procedure in the other tab and finally you click on OK.

In case of desired detailed informations now these are displayed ome after the other. If desired you can also get the package contents displayed. A subsequent click on 'Cancel' terminates the program.

In case you click, however, on 'OK' the different tasks for installing or removing the chosen packages get executed interactively in the terminal.

The program place-window

With the Starbuntu program place-window you can position a window corresponding to special parameters.

This program can be launched as follows:

place-window [<window_ID>[ <waiting time>[ <type>[ <width>[ <height> [ <left upper X> <left upper Y>]]]]]]

The individual parameters mean:

The program prim-sec-clip

The Starbuntu program prim-sec-clip which can be called by pressing the hotkey Ctrl+Alt+c manages the three instances of the clipboard, namely the primary and the secondary selection as well as the actual clipboard by displaying their contents and also their respective history and by allowing to edit them in case they aren't overlong (no ' ... ' in the middle of the string). The history files primary, secondary and tertiary are located in the folder $HOME/.local/share/clipboard.

In order that the history files will not be unnecessarily inflated the program prim-sec-clip offers the option "Truncate". Here you can determine how many of the last entries shall still be kept. Besides, at every session start the history files get shortened by means of the Starbuntu program initial-tasks to the last entries. The number max_clip_start of the remaining entries can be set in the file $HOME/.config/openbox/env-params.

Please notice that, unlike other clipboard managers, not already the marking of a text but only its pasting with the Starbuntu program insert-sel (hotkey: Shift+Insert) causes the intake of the primary selection in the history. If you want to transfer the marked text to the history of the secondary selection or the clipboard please, after marking the text, press the hotkey Ctrl+Shift+c resp. Ctrl+Super+c. If you change "c" to "x" the marked and transferred text will be deleted. These hotkeys call the Starbuntu program copy-to-clipsec.

The content of the secondary selection gets inserted by pressing the hotkey Ctrl+Super+Insert and that one of the clipboard, as usual, by pressing Ctrl+v (historicized: Super+v).

Attention: A marked text can indeed be transferred to the clipboard by pressing the usual hotkey Ctrl+c resp. Ctrl+x but doing this it will not be inserted in its history. In this way you can reinsert a very bulky marked text without unnecessarily inflating the corresponding history file. Likewise the content of the primary selection does not get historicized if you don't reinsert it by pressing Shift+Insert but by pressing the middle mouse key.

The programs recent and recent-gtk

The Starbuntu program recent lists the recently used documents. Its icon   is integrated in the panel Tint2. If the parameter "--nofilter" is not set, initially a text input window for a filter pops up which allows also regular expressions.

This program is not based on the package Zeitgeist as usual, as this package dosn't offer settings which file types shall be listed. However, the file types which are listed by the program recent, are defined in the text file ~/.config/gtk-3.0/recent.types and can be changed at any time.

The Starbuntu program recent-gtk lists the recently used documents detected by GTK. This program picks the list items from the GTK file $HOME/.local/share/recently-used.xbel.

In both programs the maximal length of the list is determined by the parameter max_recent_lines defined in $HOME/.config/openbox/env-params.

When you choose a list entry with your mouse, the up/down keys or by typing a (regex) partial string of it the corresponding file gets normally opened with all-open, that means with its default application. The only exceptions are the file types listed in ~/.config/gtk-3.0/recent.exceptions: instead of being executed these ones get opened with the text editor for possibly being edited.

The program refresh-pinboard

With the Starbuntu program refresh-pinboard which represents the graphical front-end of the Starbuntu program set-wallpaper you can change the wallpaper of the deaktop or the folder with the wallpapers or simply to the next wallpaper of the current image folder.

A file selection box gets opened, with which you can choose a new wallpaper or a new wallpaper folder as well as the graphics mode (center | scale | stretch | tile). If the chosen path is an image folder another entry field for the wallpaper period pops up. If you cancel or type a wrong entry the period remains as it was saved before. If you close the folder selection box by clicking 'Next', the desktop proceeds to the next wallpaper of the current wallpaper folder (hotkey: Ctrl+Super+Right). If you close it by pressing the Escape key there will be a reset of the desktop, for instance in case of being damaged (hotkey: Ctrl+Super+Escape).

In case you want to change the wallpaper path permanently please, after choosig it, click on 'Always'. After having set the graphics mode and the wallpaper period the new setting is saved in the file $HOME/.config/openbox/env-params.

You can also call the program refresh-pinboard in a command line with the parameters [-f|--fix] [ <Image Source> ] [ <Period> ] [ <Graphics mode> ]. If you set "" for the image source it remains unchanged. Omitting the period preserves the previous saved one. With the parameter '-f' or '--fix' the wallpaper settings get saved. If you call the program only with the parameter '-n' resp. '-r' (or '--next' resp. '--repair') you change to the next wallpaper of the current image folder resp. you repair the desktop.

The program restore-grub

The Starbuntu program restore-grub which demands root privileges restores the boot loader grub2 twice: it launches the regular update-grub for the boot area of the Starbuntu partition and also an update for the master boot record (MBR) which forks to the Starbuntu partition and to other possible partitions containing operating systems (other Linux distributions, Microsoft Windows etc.) and moreover to possible live images (bootable ISO files).

For this reason the described procedure demands two folders for the boot parameters: /etc/grub.d.part and /etc/grub.d.mbr which the conventional folder /etc/grub.d optionally points to. For the same reason this method demands two folders for the boot process: /boot and /boot-mbr. For more detailed information see here.

In case on the storage medium there is only the Starbuntu partition, restore-grub does exactly the same as update-grub.

The programs Rox and Rox2

With the Starbuntu program Rox you launch the file manager. In case the parameter '-c' is set a small white window shortly appears immediately after the start. If you press the Super key during this time Rox is launched with root privileges in the root directory, otherwise as a normal user in your Home directory. If you provide different folder parameters in the command line, these folders get opened instead. With the parameter '-a' you are immediately asked for the root password.

When you launch Rox2 (p.e. with the hotkey Alt+Ctrl_right or with the command line Rox2 [<width>x<height> [<window title> [<left folder> <right folder>]]]), the file manager opens two windows with /home on the left side and your Home directory on the right side or with the given folders. When after launching you press the Super key while a small white window shortly appears the program starts with root privileges usually twice in the root directory.

These two windows get opened in a separate container (X Server Xephyr). In this container the usual hotkeys of xbindkeys are in force only if you transfer them to it by typing Ctrl+Shift. In the same way they can be retransferred.

The programs s and sdo

The little Starbuntu programs s and sdo simplify the Linux terminal programs su and sudo.

Command line call:

s [<User>] [<Command>]

sdo [<User>] <Command>

In the first case, you enter the password of the other user and then adopt his environment; in the second case, you enter your own password and retain your own environment.

The program save-url

If you want to create a link to a web page outside the web browser then respect the following instructions:

  1. Mark the web address in the address field of the browser or anywhere else or just press Ctrl+Super+u within the browser (see nelow, works only in the preinstalled browsers).

  2. Launch the Starbuntu program save-url, optionally with the hotkey Control+Super+u. This program will create the file <title of web address>.url in your home subdirectory Urls or it will expose the web address under its title. You can display the web page stored in the created file by calling either the Starbuntu program display-url [1|2] *.url or the Starbuntu program browser [1|2] *.url. "1" or "2" refers to your default or your second web browser.

By the way, with save-url you cannot only create links to HTTP pages (http://...) but also links to FTP or SFTP folders (ftp://...) resp. (sftp://...), SSH folders (ssh://...) or WebDAV folders (davs://...), to files (file://...), to mail recipients (mailto:...) etc. In this case you call the program either with the respective parameter or with it in the (primary) selection.

The program search

The Starbuntu program search launches after the insertion of a search item a historicising search on the Internet. If you mark a text passage immediately before launching this program the marked text appears in the entry field and thus saves a manual typing.

The program search gets called up as follows:

search [<browser number> [<search engine number>]] [<search item>]

Browser number: 1 = Default Browser, 2 = Second Browser

Search engine number: 1 = Google, 2 = DuckDuckGo, 3 = Startpage

If you launch search from the tint2 panel the second browser will be used for Google and for DuckDuckGo and the first browser for Startpage, and a left mouse click or the hotkey Super+s will launch Google, a middle click or the hotkey Super+Alt+s will launch DuckDuckGo and a right click or the hotkey Ctrl+Super+s will launch Startpage. Please notice that Startpage and DuckDuckGo protect your privacy.

The program search-app

After entering a (partial) keyword the Starbuntu program search-app lists all matching GUI applications. The desired application is selected with the cursor keys or with a mouse click or by typing a substring. Optionally, one (or more) parameters can be entered in the parameter field after a mouse click. Then start the desired application either with the return key or with a double mouse click.

The (partial) keyword must be included in the name of the application that appears in the application menu. Otherwise the application will not be found.

Call by command line: search-app [<keyword>]

The program search-list-item

The Starbuntu program search-list-item enables to search in an extensive and possibly nested list for a keyword. If it finds something, it puts the cursor on the place where it was found.

Call: search-list-item [<path to the list> [<keyword>]]

If the list is on the bar, the parameter "apps" or "notes" or "files" or "links" is sufficient instead of specifying the list path.

If the list path and / or the keyword is not specified, you will be asked for it.

The program set-resol

The Starbuntu program set-resol sets the optimal screen resolution at the beginning of your session.

However, you can call this program also with an optional screen resolution, p. e.

set-resol 1024x768

In this case the arrangement of the desktop symbols will be adjusted automatically.

In case such a self-chosen screen resolution shall be set at the beginning of every session, the value of resolution has to be adapted in the file $HOME/.config/openbox/env-params. You can determine the possible values for the screen resolution with the terminal command xrandr -q.

The program set-wallpaper

With the Starbuntu program set-wallpaper you can change the folder with the background images for the desktop or simply to the next background image of the current image folder. You can also set a (static) wallpaper for the rox desktop. Then the settings for the wallpaper are transmitted to the Starbuntu program variety-rox which cares for the technical realization of the background design.

The program can be launched as follows:

set-wallpaper [-f|--fix] [<path of the desired wallpaper (folder)> (either JPG, PNG or WEBP)] [<image period in seconds>] [<graphics mode (centred | fit | scaled | stretched | tiled)>]. With the parameter -f or --fix the mentioned path, period and graphics mode get saved in $HOME/.config/openbox/env-params. Further calls:

set-wallpaper [-n|--next] or:

set-wallpaper [-r|--repair]

The first mentioned call takes also place when you click in the file manager ROX-Filer with the right mouse button either on an image folder to activate its context menu and then choose the menu item "As Wallpapers" or in the same way on an image and then choose the menu item "As Wallpaper". In order to set a static wallpaper you can also rightclick on an image in the image viewer eog and choose "Set as Wallpaper". In case you choose one of these alternatives, your choice will be saved and if you have chosen an image folder a new period of 200 seconds will be set.

set-wallpaper -n or --next changes to the next wallpaper of the current wallpaper folder. Hotkey: Ctrl+Super+Right

set-wallpaper -r or --repair repairs a damaged desktop. Hotkey: Ctrl+Super+Escape.

The program systray-item-edit

The Starbuntu program systray-item-edit can put any command including its command line parameters under an appropriate icon with a commenting tooltip into the system tray (notification area).

Call: systray-item-edit <application> "<parameter(s)>" <icon name/path> "<tooltip>"

Of course, the specification of the application is mandatory. If you omit the icon name and/or the tooltip text the program respectively uses the application name instead.

By default the command will belong only temporarily to the system tray. By clicking on '→ Permanent' it remains there permanently what can be revoked with 'Quit permanent'. The permanent entry of a command into the system tray gets saved in the shell script $HOME/.config/autostart/cmds-to-systray.

If you call only systray-item-edit without any parameter a window appears with the corresponding queries.

The program terminate

The Starbuntu program terminate integrates all the actions of termination of the computer session:

The "hard" terminations (Log out, Shut down, Reboot) which potentially cause a loss of data have a delay of some seconds and during this period they can be stopped with the hotkey Ctrl+Backspace.

The program translate

By means of the Starbuntu program translate you can translate a word or a phrase from any source language into any target language. This program represents a graphical user interface of the command line application trans from the package translate-shell which resorts to the Google translator.

After calling up the program, a window opens with the two tabs "Target Language" and "Source Language", each containing an extensive list of languages. To select, first activate the respective tab with the TAB key and then type in the first letters of the desired language until it is highlighted. If the source or target language matches the language defined in the user profile $HOME/.profile, the language selection can be omitted in this case. Confirm the selection of the target and source language with 'OK'.

Now a text input box opens in which you type a word or a phrase of the source language. The input gets saved in the history file $HOME/.config/gtk-3.0/lemma.history and it can be retrieved later by clicking on the arrow on the right.

After confirming the entry, a further window displays the desired translation alternatives.

The program trash

The Starbuntu program trash was necessary because the file manager Rox doesn't support the trash bin but offers only "Delete". Therefore it furnishes an important extension to the file manager.

In order to offer the option of moving any file and any folder to the trash bin (parameter -m or --move-to; hotkey: Shift+Del), Starbuntu takes care of integrating the regarding trash function into the editable part of the context menu of any file type. Moreover, it can always be found under the context menu item "Send To...". It gets hidden in case the trash bin gets opened.

Within the trash bin which gets opened with the parameter -o or --open (hotkey: Ctrl+Super+p) the trash functions for restoring the trashed objects (parameter -r or --restore-from; hotkey: Ctrl+Shift+Del) and for emptying the trash bin (parameter -p or --purge; hotkey: Super+Del) are provided in the mentioned context menus.

The program upgrade

The Starbuntu program upgrade with the parameter root reminds you every eight days to update your software but leaves the decision to you. An upgrade, however, can be launched at any time, p. e. with the hotkey Ctrl+Alt+u or with the command upgrade without any parameter.

The date of the previous upgrade is saved in the text file /root/.local/share/zeitgeist/day-of-upgrade as the number of the day in the current year.

The program variety-rox

The Starbuntu program variety-rox loads either one background image or all ones from an image folder chosen manually or by means of the program refresh-pinboard. In the latter case it randomly decorates the desktop with them in given periods.

This program is called as follows:

variety-rox [ <path of the image folder> ] [ <interval in sec> ] [ <graphics mode (centred | fit | scaled | stretched | tiled)> ]

Only those files of the image folder are loaded that have the extensions jpg, png or webp. Which graphics mode makes sense depends on the image size and the image content.

If the parameters are not given, variety-rox selects the corresponding parameters from $HOME/.config/openbox/env-params.

With the hotkey Ctrl+Super+Right you can pass to the next background image.

The programs watch-ports, get-devs and automount

The file manager ROX-Filer doesn't recognize mountable media like other hard disk partitions, memory sticks or inserted CD-ROMs if they are not predefined in /etc/fstab.

The Starbuntu program watch-ports finds a remedy: it watches continuously whether mountable media are getting plugged in or removed, and if so it instructs the Starbuntu program get-devs to update the respective desktop symbols of these media at the left or the bottom edge of the screen, depending on the current direction of the panel.

If you click on such a symbol, the regarding medium will be mounted by means of the Starbuntu program automount in the folder /media/<user>/<label of the medium> and two windows of the ROX-Filer will be opened displaying the regarding medium and the Home folder. After you have closed these windows the medium will be unmounted again.

The program wunwa

The Starbuntu program wunwa waits until either a new window or a desired one will be opened. It is useful if this new window, directly after it pops up, shall get a new window icon or shall be placed p. e. with orient-act-win.

Call: wunwa [ <(part of) name of the desired window> ]

Output: ID of the appearing window

Attention: Often the name of the desired window doesn't match the program command for this window. After having launched the program, you can get its window name by means of the terminal command wmctrl -l.

The program x-email-client

The Starbuntu program x-email-client completes the GNOME program evolution which manages mail, contacts, schedule, tasks and memos.

After pressing Ctrl+Alt+m or the XF86Mail key a small white window appears for a moment. If you press in the meanwhile the left Super key the contacts window of evolution pops up, otherwise the mail window.

Moreover, the program x-email-client simplifies significantly the composition of mails with possibly attached files. Initially you mark the desired files in the file manager. Then you click on one of these with the right mouse button and choose "Send To..." and then Send File(s). The evolution window for the composition of an e-mail pops up with the files already attached. To simplify it even more, after marking the files you just press Ctrl+Shift+n.

Of course, the program x-email-client can also be launched by means of a command line. Without any parameter you open the mail manager of evolution, with the parameter '-c contacts' the contacts, with '-c calendar' the schedule, with '-c tasks' the tasks and with '-c memos' the memos. The parameter 'mailto:[recipient address]' starts the composition of a mail. Here the recipient address is optional. In case you add directly the supplement '?attach="<path of the first file>"\&attach="<path of the second file>" ...' these files get attached. An even simpler syntax is 'mailto:[recipient address] <path of the first file> <path of the second file> ...'.

The program xbindings

The Starbuntu program xbindings provides a graphical user interface for the hotkeys program xbindkeys and administrates the hotkeys valid in Starbuntu.

The advantage of this program over other existing GUIs for xbindkeys consists in the alphabetic order of the entries, of the labels as well as of the hotkeys. So you can quickly see, which process is connected with which hotkey, and check whether a specific hotkey is already in use. The hotkeys themselves can be either defined as text or simply typed. In the latter case they get automatically the right syntax.

The entries are saved in the text file ~/.xbindkeysrc, which gets accessed by the X-Programm xbindkeys directly.

Details for the usage of this program:

Find a row: Type in a substring belonging to the first column. If there are several hits, you can use the up/down keys to navigate to the row you are looking for. If you want to enter a substring for one of the other two columns, first click on "Search" and select the desired column.

Add / delete / duplicate row: right mouse button, then select option.

Edit label / action: click with left mouse button on the text, then edit and confirm with Return key. For the ampersand character "&" has to be typed "&amp;".

The pattern of the hotkeys either is [modifier(s) (separated by '+')][+key] or [modifier(s) (separated by '+')][+mouse button]. Modifiers are Control, Shift, Super, Alt; mouse buttons are button1, button2 etc.

The valid identifiers of all keys can be detected with the terminal program 'xev'. In case the (semiautomatic) hotkey entry shouldn't be complete, the respective hotkey is already used in the system.

The hotkey may be left blank and typed only after 'OK' and the subsequent entry request.

By clicking the button 'Labels ↔ Hotkeys' the sort sequence can be switched. The sorting for the hotkeys complies with the last key of the respective hotkey entry. This method makes it easier to find out which hotkeys are already used. In case an already used hotkey is typed, a warning with a new entry request pops up.

The entries are saved in ~/.xbindkeysrc which is created with some basic entries if it doesn't exist yet. This file consists of an optional prolog with a '#' at the beginning of every line, then the actual definition block for the particular hotkey and finally of an optional epilog (again with a '#' at the beginning of every line).

The hotkey entries comply with the pattern:

# Label


m:0xnn + c:nnn

[Modifier(s) (separated by '+')][+key]


# Label


m:0xnn + b:n

[Modifier(s) (separated by '+')][+mouse button]

'm' means modifiers, '0xnn' is the hex number of the modifiers' combination, 'c' means character (= normal key), 'nnn' means its key code (provided by xev), 'b' means (mouse) button and 'n' means its number.

When xbindings gets terminated by clicking 'Quit' all changes will still be saved in any case.

The most important (naturally changeable) hotkeys are:

Session Control:

Open the session control

Ctrl + Alt + Del


Ctrl + Alt + Escape


Alt + Pause

Shut down                   

Ctrl + Alt + q                                       


Ctrl + Alt + w



Stop termination

Ctrl + Backspace

Command Input:


Alt + F2

Execute as root               

Alt + F2, then Super                         


Alt + F3

Terminal as root

Alt + F3, then Super

File Manager:

Only for the normal user 

Ctrl right

 or: Super + left mouse button

With root privileges:

Super + Ctrl right

 or: Ctrl + Super + left mouse button

Two windows (normal)

Alt + Ctrl right

Two windows (root)

Alt + Ctrl right, then Super

Open Storage Device

Ctrl + Alt + d

Remote sources

Ctrl + Alt + o

Trash bin

Ctrl + Super + p

Object(s) to trash bin

Shift + Del

Object(s) from trash bin

Ctrl + Shift + Del

Empty trash bin

Super + Del

File search

Ctrl + Shift + f

Rename files

Ctrl + Shift + r

Open marked files

Super + Return

Marked folders

Ctrl + Super + o

Mark folder

Super + o

Open Group No. n

Super + <n>




Update AppMenu

Super + Alt + Menu

OpenBox AppMenu

AltGr + Menu

Default browser              

Ctrl + Alt + i

Second browser

Ctrl + Alt + i, then Super             

Search on the Internet

Super + s

Save URL

Ctrl + Super + u

E-Mail program

Ctrl + Alt + m

Address book

Ctrl + Alt + m, then Super              

Desktop: ¹

Minimize all windows

Super + d

Restore all windows

Super + d

Repair the desktop

Ctrl + Super + Escape

Next wallpaper

Ctrl + Super + Right

Take a screenshot

Ctrl + Alt + s

Center a window

Ctrl + Alt + 5 right

Window to the edge

Ctrl + Alt + 1|2|3|4|6|7|8|9 right         

Window halfscreen

Ctrl + Super + 2|4|6|8 right

Window quarterscreen

Ctrl + Super + 1|3|7|9 right

App launcher new/edit    

Ctrl + Super + d

¹ All window manipulations are coded in $HOME/.config/openbox/rc.xml.


Sound control

Ctrl + Shift + k                                    

Increase volume

Ctrl + 8 right

Decrease volume

Ctrl + 2 right

Mute volume

Ctrl + 0 right

Unmute volume

Ctrl + 0 right

Terminate music replay   

Ctrl + Del right


Control center

Ctrl + Super + k                                 

Search application

Ctrl + Alt + f

Printer settings

Ctrl + Shift + d

Package manager

Ctrl + Alt + p

Software update              

Ctrl + Alt + u

Task manager

Ctrl + Escape

User processes

Super + p


Starbuntu Help



Ctrl + Alt + k

Graphical program

Ctrl + Alt + g

Memo Menu

Ctrl + Alt + n

Marked text as memo

Ctrl + Super + n

File Exposition

Super + Menu

Url Exposition

Alt + Menu

Save (marked) url

Ctrl + Super + u

Url to other browser

Ctrl + Shift + u

Calendar of events

Ctrl + Alt + t

Text editor

Ctrl + Alt + e

Text editor (root)

Ctrl + Alt + e, then Super


Calculator key

Virtual Keyboard

Ctrl + Alt + v

Insert primary selection

Shift + Insert

Insert histor. prim. selection

Super + Insert

Copy to sec. selection

Ctrl + Shift + c

Move to sec. selection

Ctrl + Shift + x

Insert sec. selection

Ctrl + Super + Insert                           

Copy to clipboard

Ctrl + Super + c

Move to clipboard

Ctrl + Super + x

Insert clipboard

Ctrl + v

Insert histor. clipboard

Super + v

Clipboard values/history

Ctrl + Alt + c



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© 2024 Peter Starfinger