Many special applications of Starbuntu provide practical functions and thus iron out many a deficiency p. e. of the window manager OpenBox or of the desktop and file manageer Rox. Others trim the system down as they replace extensive packages, or they facilitate the handling.
The special applications of Starbuntu are located in /usr/local/bin. The most important ones of them are:
Applications which are executed with root privileges when during the appearance of a little white window the Super key is pressed: the launcher editor edit-app-launcher, the modified text editors gedit and Arachnophilia, Rox -c (file manager), Rox2 (file manager with 2 windows), run (command input), xterm as well as gnome-terminal (shell).
Applications which start a different process when during the appearance of a little white window the Super key is pressed: browser (opens the second web browser instead of the standard browser), x-email-client (opens the addressbook insteaad of the e-mail program).
Applications which extend homonymous packages: eog, Onboard, xterm
all-open - replaces the slightly limitated general program xdg-open
appearance - provides a useful completion for the design program lxappearance
assign-owner - assigns a file to the owner of its folder
autologin - defines an user or no one for autologin. Call: autologin [<user|false>]
automount - mounts block devices or ISO files, opens them and finally unmounts them
blanks2uscores - replaces all spaces in names of marked files (also multiple ones) in the file manager by underscores
bookmarks - synchronizes the bookmarks of GTK-3 and ROX-Filer
browser - displays web pages or url files optionally with the default web browser or the second one
calendar - starts the editable calendar
calendar-date - displays the current month and all appointments and opens the editable calendar at the selected day
center-windows - centers all new windows
configure-keyboard - enables the configuration of the keyboard
copy-to-clipsec - copies or moves a marked text to the clipboard or to the secondary selection without overwriting the primary selection and saves it for later use
create-memo - creates a memo from a marked text
create-new-mime - adds a new file type to the file system
create-rm-category - creates or removes a category of the applications menu
del - "kills" named application(s) and its (their) child processes
detect-app - provides after clicking in a window the name of its application
dev-uuid - adjusts the IDs of the storage devices in essential system files and updates the boot loader
display-url - opens link files *.url or URL addresses with their appropriate application
edit-app-launcher - facilitates the editing of desktop configuration files for applications
exec-desktop - executes desktop configuration files also with parameters and doing this it cares also for the 'Recently Used' history
expose-file - adds a file to the tint2 list of the "File Exposition"
expose-url - adds an address from a file *.url to the tint2 list of the "Url Exposition"
get-devs - creates desktop links to all connected block devices
get-text - reads the human-readable translation files Starbuntu.po for translation purposes
gsu - (or gsudo, gksu, gksudo) replaces with additional features the package gksu which has been removed by Ubuntu from the repositories
gtk-theme - launches a GTK application uniquely with a different GTK theme instead of the default one
hist - historicises text entries
initial-tasks - initializes the user's desktop and shortens the clipboard history at the session start
insert-sel - inserts at the cursor position in an editable text the primary or the secondary selection and saves the primary selection for later use
install-user - either installs Starbuntu or, among other things, generates new users and provides for these ones an immediate desktop environment
language - performs the user specific language replacement
list-cmd-edit - displays and edits lists of labels which are associated with a command and optionally with an icon and, if so, executes the command
mark-dir - application that allows you to mark folders in Rox
marked-dir - application which uses list-cmd-edit to display and open the marked folders in Rox
mk-rec-rm-identifier - creates, removes or records an identifier in a list and thus restructures it
multimenu - is a standalone menu for applications, memos, the exposed files and URLs and for self-created lists
obamenu-refresh - updates the application menu of OpenBox if you run appmenu-refresh before
Onboard - expands the screen keyboard onboard by a previous language request and configures the keyboard respectively
open-dev - opens the n-th storage device displayed on the desktop
open-remote - mounts and opens block devices, ISO files, remote devices in the local network, FTP, SSH and WebDAV sources
open-with - opens marked files with their default application or optionally with a given one and also serves as a regular app launcher
orient-act-win - positions the active window in the center, in a corner or in the middle of an edge of the screen and furthermore enables to tile windows
pkg-manager - installs or removes packages and optionally displays informations about them
place-window - positions a window corresponding to special parameters
prim-sec-clip - displays the current assignment of the threefold clipboard included its respective history and allows to change it
quote-files-in-string - adds quotation marks to all file paths contained in a string
recent, recent-gtk - list the recently used documents
refresh-pinboard - changes as GUI of set-wallpaper the wallpaper or the whole wallpaper folder for the desktop background and can be used also to repair the desktop
restore-grub - restores the boot loader subject to the presettings in /etc/grub.d.mbr and /etc/grub.d.part
Rox - opens the file manager optionally without or with root privileges
Rox2 - opens two instances of the file manager optionally without or with root privileges
run - executes commands or opens a file in its intended application
s, sdo - simplified terminal commands for su and sudo
save-url - creates link files *.url to web or ftp pages, to files, mail recipients etc. or exposes the links
sddm-quick-setting - allows a quick configuration of the display manager SDDM
search - launches a historicising search on the Internet
search-app - lists all GUI applications matching a (partial) key word and runs the selected one
search-list-item - searches a list for a keyword and places the cursor on it
set-resol - sets the (optimal) screen resolution
set-wallpaper - changes the wallpaper or the whole wallpaper folder for the desktop background and can be used also to repair the desktop
systray-item-edit - puts any command with an icon and a tooltip into the System Tray
terminate - enables lock screen, log out, hibernate, reboot, shut down, suspend
time-adm - allows to modify the time zone, date or time
tint2-button-edit - allows to quickly configure the tint2 buttons
translate - represents the GUI of the package translate-shell and translates a word or a phrase from a source language into a target language
trash - furnishes the trash bin to the file manager Rox
udcmount - opens portable block devices without root privileges
upgrade - reminds of the due upgrade of the installed packages and updates or autoremoves them
upgradables - determines the upgradability of the kernel or of the Starbuntu version and updates it if desired
userps - displays all running user processes in the terminal
variety-rox - changes periodically the wallpaper of the desktop corresponding to special parameters
watch-ports - surveils the plug/unplug of portable storages at the ports
wunwa - waits until new window appears and then provides its ID
x-email-client - completes the mail-contacts-schedule-tasks-memos program evolution
xbindings - displays and edits the hotkeys
More Information
See also:
Informations to particular applications of Starbuntu
© 2024 Peter Starfinger